Let's just say, it's been a much bigger and better culture shock than I'd ever have expected.
Over the next couple of weeks my plan is to update bits and bobs of what I've done this month, get up to date - and then fill you in a couple of times a week on the embarrassments and surreal experiences that my life has become.
Let's start from the beginning... the ROAD TRIP.
...Enter the temperamental Volvo...

...weighed down with everything that has become our life, with only enough room for my toes and Alex to drive - Oh! And Lola of course!

I almost feel Lola deserves her own post. Lola has a picture in every state, in front of every landscape and became our "good luck" charm over the trip. Something on the car sounds dodgy? Wiggle Lola! Don't think we'll make it through the mountains? Wiggle Lola! You get the idea...
The first day of the trip was kind of dull. Early morning start, long twelve hour drive, not to mention a lost mobile phone, a frantic stop in Indianapolis with a crazed phone call to an insurance company, another stop at the creepiest toilet at a place called "Pocahontas" that resembled the bathroom from Saw I, the beautiful view of the St Louis Arch - "gateway to the West",and finally getting near to Alex's Grandparents house only to get lost on the final stretch. So yes, not a very eventful first day...

In the car - Day 1.

Border of Indiana.

Just your average healthy American snack...

Illinois border.

Pocahontas. The scariest town in America.

Missouri border.

St Louis Arch.

Mississippi River.

Bridge over to Alex's Grandparents house.
Although not the most eventful day of our trip, it's defiantly one to remember. Only Alex could send us on an hours detour after leaving his phone on top of the car, driving off, and then proceeded to drive very slowly down the motorway thinking he'd find it...
We ended up spending two days with Alex's Grandparents. Some of the nicest people - and even though they totally didn't understand what to feed me as a vegetarian, I thoroughly enjoyed the "lovely salad bar" at Ruby Tuesdays... haha.
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