Saturday, 1 May 2010


Apologies in advance for the typically cliched introductory first post - but it had to be done...

I'm currently a lost and confused English student about to set out on a years "study" in California.

I've started multiple "fashion" blogs in the past and have tired of trying to keep up with the endless amazing blogs out there that I envy and devour. I think I'm going to use this blog to write down my thoughts and feelings that occur during my year away from normality as I throw myself into the world of "90210" as I'm bound to want to look back on this in years and laugh at all my mistakes and adventures.

The first thing on my list of adventures is a week long road trip across the states from Michigan to Irvine. Safe to say a 2,500 mile voyage in my boyfriend's tempremental Volvo is bound to come with it's fair share of hilarious tales. Not to mention my desire to stay clean, fresh, and presentable, and his typical mannly desire to not wash and sleep in a car for the week...

...Which leads me onto the name I have chosen for this blog. As much as I love fashion, I cannot claim to be the most stylish or glamorous. Far from it actually. Being a student I lack the funds to keep up with the ever changing world of fashion, not that that's ever stopped me gazing through Vogue telling myself that one day I'll have a wonderful job that will allow me to have all the shiney things I see.

When I move to California in August I am going to have to cram my whole wardrobe into two measly suitcases and that is going to be a challenge... To put it in perspective I own over one hundred paris of shoes, (before I hear the cries of hypocrite! Most of these were on sale, presents, or well saved for!). Another challenge for me is trying to keep up my own personal sense of Brit style when on this infamous road trip and when living in CA. As a Brit moving to America I almost feel obligated to bring a bit of English style across the pond.

So what better place really to document my adventures than in a blog that can be reached and read on either side of the Atlantic - although I do not claim to be an excellent writer, I will try not to bore you and hope to share moments in my life that might be the cause of amusement and entertainment. Just think of this as me facing my own embarassment head on.

So if amongst my ramblings I've somewhat caught your attention, do me the favour and check back in a week once this is up and running and hopefully you'll be pleasantly surprised...

1 comment:

  1. welcome to the blogosphere and curious about your future posts...
